Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Peppers and basil late August

So here we are on August 23. I added the basil plant, also bought at Shop-Rite, from a plastic bag in the produce department. Very healthy and a standard basil flavor, nothing weird here, no essence of cinnamon or pie crust. The cayenne is thriving, the peppers are starting to turn red and are hot. My other pepper plant is doing well. Need to cull a bit more, they may do well if it gets hot again.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

So how are the peppers doing

Now it's August 3 and my cayenne plant is finally coming up with some peppers. Look, there's a red one! The second pot is showing some sprouts. These peppers did not have much luck on the windowsill a few months ago. Maybe they'll do better on the porch. I threw out the bag they came in and I forgot what they are called.